  • 883 m above sea level.
  • 1:15 h - 2:30 h


Pieniny Spiskie

Explore Place

Žar (883 m) is the highest peak of the Pieniny Spiskie Mountains, located in their central part. The peak is part of the main ridge of the Pieniny Spiskie Mountains, built of hornblende limestone, and offers the possibility of hiking thanks to the red tourist trail, which leads from Łapsze Wyżne through Dursztyn to Niedzica. Despite the steep slopes, the ridge along the axis is gentle, while the summit itself is wooded and overgrown with bushes, which limits the views. It is possible to extend the hike to nearby ridges and limestone rocks, such as Baszta, where you can enjoy views of the surrounding area, including Lake Czorsztyńskie and the Gorce Mountains.

  • Another name

    The summit of Žar is also known as Branisko, although this name is an error by Austrian cartographers, who mistook the name of the Banisko stream valley located north of the ridge.

  • Caves

    There are two caves in the southern slopes of Żar: Krzywa Dziura (Crooked Hole) and Prosta Dziura (Straight Hole), which are an additional attraction for tourists.

  • Other views

    On the ridge of limestone rocks near Żar you can find rocks such as Baszta, which offers beautiful views of the surrounding area, including Lake Czorsztyńskie and the Gorce Mountains.

  • measuring tower

    There is a measuring tower on Mt Żar, surrounded by forest and bushes, which limits the views from the summit itself, but from the nearby Baszta one can admire the panorama including Frydman, Dębno, Lake Czorsztyńskie and the Gorce Mountains.


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