Explore Place
Waterfall on the Kacwinianka River - located in the centre of the village, below the church, at the level of the sawmill standing on the right bank of the river. It was created on a thick sandstone bank, is about 7 m high and 10 m wide. The waterfall is variously called by the local people. It is connected with the Spiš dialect and so the waterfall is called - Pod Mynaszką, Młynarska Bania or Mynarzko Bania. The waterfall is a protected object since 1982 as the largest natural waterfall in the Spiš Foothills.
Is it currently possible to visit the waterfall?
Yes, but getting to it is very difficult. The slopes of the valley are very steep and overgrown with bushes and weeds.
Location of the waterfall
The waterfall is located on a private plot of land!
Use of
A mill - a sawmill - operated at the waterfall for more than 200 years. The facility was powered by a waterwheel to which water was fed via a wooden trough. Unfortunately, the facility was destroyed during the great flood of 1997.